The Horses   Seminar   Lecturer Dimitar Hristov photography 54ka news  Photo

March 9, 2016 (Wednesday)
Pfohe Mall – Photo School

Varna, Bulgaria
bul. Slivnitsa 201

Page of the event: FACEBOOK


With photography artist Dimitar Hristov – 54ka deals already twenty years.
His vision upon nature, diferent states of human mind, art installations and horses is impressive and repeatedly evaluated in international competitions and art forums.
Author of the only two photo albums issued in Bulgaria devoted to horses, and as part of the outstanding photographers of horses he is a permanent author for Bulgarian and foreign journals. Many of his images of horses are sold to world famous companies for ads or book covers.
During seminara, Dimitar Hristov will talk about different techniques and approaches in the creation of this type of photography. Will share his way to reinforce the impression and show sturdily the mysterious beauty of the horses, captivating the viewer.
Photographic style, tricks and personal experience in achieving the delicate balance between commercial and artistic without cross the border will be the topics of the meeting with Dimitar dedicated to the secrets for taking horses.